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How does our medicine act ?

Home - How does our medicine act

Dr. Saggu's Allergic Rhinitis / Asthma Research Clinic

     Homoeopathy has always been criticized for being a placebo medicine with no material substance in it to produce any action in the patient. Nobody has seen the soul but nobody doubts the existence of soul as it gives life and its presence is felt in each part of the body when a person is alive. Many people still don’t believe in Homoeopathy though the results are visible and well documented. Recent experimentations using new scientific instruments have proved beyond doubt that homoeopathic medicines act according to fixed natural principles and are much deeper acting than ever thought before.

Kirlian photography was the first to prove the existence of vital force or life principle(soul) in the human body, of which homoeopathy speaks in it’s philosophy. Homoeopathy considers diseases to be disturbances in the dynamic plane and considers structural changes in the human body to be the end results of diseases and not disease ‘per se’ in itself. The dynamic nature of the life principle and the disease have to be treated by medicines in the dynamic plane. Thus though homoeopathic medicines are potencies made from crude substances but they are elevated to the dynamic plane by the process of dynamization, a process by which crude substances are broken down to subatomic levels. The crude substances are broken down, ultra-diluted and potentized at the molecular and atomic level to release wavelengths of energy which is stored in the potencies. The effects of these potencies are studied on human beings during drug proving on healthy humans and by applying the ‘law of similars’ the most similar remedy is administered for treating the ‘similar’ disease of the patient. That is, the drug capabilities are studied during drug proving on healthy human beings and recorded in books. The symptoms of the patient are recorded by the doctor and the similar symptoms are matched in the recorded books to find the most similar remedy. This drug then becomes the remedy for the patient according to ‘law of similars’, according to principles of homoeopathy.

  PROOF OF MODUS OPERADI–The evolution of new scientific machines and procedures like Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy ( FESEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) etc, have revealed presence of source materials in higher dilutions of homoeopathy in form of nanoparticles. In comparison to bulk forms, nanoparticles show better bioavailability, increased reactivity and absorption, enhanced electromagnetic, mechanical, optical, thermal, chemical and quantum properties. The property of the given homoeopathic medicine retains imprints of the source material in an intelligent manner and acts in accordance to Arndt-Schulz law (Small doses stimulate, medium doses paralyze and large doses kill). 


The Krilian Photography
The Krilian Photography

The action of our medicine in small doses ensures that homeostasis is maintained and cure follows. The controlled dosage ensures anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. The nanoparticles stimulate the organism at multiple levels and also modulate gene expression at cellular level. The medicine action in our combination is enhanced by usage of a unique sound frequency vibrator developed by us. After taking our medicines the nanoparticles of the homoeopathic medicine create an artificial disease in the body which brings about epigenetic changes in the body by correcting the fault at the cellular level by the process of electromagnetic induction. A study done by Dr.E.S.Rajendran, at nano science lab of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, has proved the presence of nano particles in all high dilutions of homoeopathy. 

The medicinal artificial disease lasts till the medicine is continued and disappears after the medicine is stopped. The medicines are potentized by the process of ‘succussion’ to work on a dynamic level and alter faulty gene expression at cellular level. The effectiveness is long lasting as has been proved by our cured patients staying healthy for years after completing their course of medication. Most patients reported improved lung function, better appetite, better sleep, reduced frequency of falling sick etc, after starting our medicine. However, if the patient continues those habits which are detrimental to his health like smoking, drinking, excess stress, reduced sleep hours, bad food habits etc, then he will cause negative epigenetic changes which can again start the disease process.

The action of the medicine is through the CNS (central nervous system), that’s why the medicinal dose is kept infinitely small which can only stimulate the patient by Electro Magnetic Induction. Studies done by Hari.N.Bhargav at Research Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, have proved the presence of low frequency Electromagnetic waves in Homoeopathic dilutions using Raman Spectrometer. These EM waves stimulate the CNS of the patient to effect a cure.
The Homoeopathic medicine creates an artificial medicinal disease in the affected respiratory parts that need correction and cause removal of the chronic disease symptoms which are similar to the medicinal disease ( law of similars). The correction is gradual and gentle due to minimum dose. Once the patient starts feeling the reduced force of the natural disease the dose can be altered to minimum level till total recovery is obtained. The medicinal disease fades away after the medicine is withdrawn by the doctor.
Homoeopathic mother tinctures given by us to boost immunity act directly by activating phagocytes, granulocytes, monocytes and also promote proliferation of human immune cells. During upper respiratory tract infection these white blood cells of the immune system fight infections. Senega.Q can cause mild broncho-dilation as well as help in expectoration of cough.

    Epigenetic changes are reversible, they do not change the DNS sequence but they change the way our body reacts to a DNA sequence. Let us first understand epigenetics in short to understand its relation to our topic of Allergic rhinitis. Epigenetic changes can have positive or negative effects on our body. Lifestyle changes like good diet, good sleep, yoga, exercise, good environment, meditation or homoeopathic medicines can modify gene expression at cellular level. This capability of homoeopathic medicines to alter gene expression was proposed in a hypothesis by Khuda-Baksh( Kalyani University) and reaffirmed by Dei and Bernardini, as well as Bellavite et al. Marzotto et al discovered that the homoeopathic dilution of Gelsemium Semp, had the capability of upregulating at least 6 gene expressions and downregulating at least 50 gene expressions! Similarly many experiments have proved beyond doubt the capability of homoeopathic medicines in rearranging the expression of many genes.

  I will give one example of my clinical cases which classically explains epigenetics. An old lady with severe asthma was brought to me for treatment of Allergic Rhinitis with Bronchial Asthma which was so severe that she used to travel from Jamshedpur to Ahmedabad every year in winter to prevent asthma attacks, as Ahmedabad is a warm place and also her native place. She was treated for well above 3 years after which we declared her free of asthma. Surprisingly she even survived Corona in her 70’s, even after getting infected. Her two grand daughter were homozygotic twins, one having allergic rhinitis and asthma but not the other. This granddaughter with asthma has a family history of asthma but our homoeopathic medicines together with properly followed food habits and lifestyle changes cured her like her grandmother and both are doing well for years together till now. Here we see that even despite a family history of asthma the case was cured due to positive epigenetic changes by medicine and lifestyle. 

  It is very difficult to predict the outcome of our immune boosting therapy in any case at the very onset of course. Some very old cases respond quickly in a few days while mild looking cases may take months to show any signs of improvement. Patients seeking permanent cure for allergic rhinitis and asthma come to us with high hopes and we give our best efforts everyday but the outcome is variable due to the complex nature of the disease and individual susceptibility of the patient.

  Patients who wish to take immune boosting combinations for themselves or family members can request the doctor to formulate the best combination as per need. Call – 9973599559 / 9234003222. 

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