As in any disease, the causative and maintaining causes of disease have to be removed so that recovery is possible and flare-up of symptoms are prevented. Even after the disease is cured bad diet, lifestyle changes and prolonged exposure to noxious elements and toxic allergens can cause epigenetic changes in the body and trigger an attack of allergic rhinitis. The epigenetic changes can contribute to develop allergies.
Allergic Rhinitis mostly has a genetic origin but studies have also shown that AR can also be non atopic. Localized immune hyperactivity in nasal mucosa can lead to LAR (local allergic rhinitis) without systemic atopy.
Some studies also show that rhinitis in almost 40% child population can be non atopic.
Non-Allergic rhinitis can also be caused by:
Things that make allergies worse are called triggers. It is not possible to completely avoid all the triggers but knowing and avoiding them can limit the symptoms. The exposure to allergens on a regular basis is the primary maintaining and causative factor in allergic rhinitis. Anybody looking for a cure of allergic rhinitis has to avoid over exposure to allergic triggers during and after treatment so that medicine can give long lasting relief. Although many patients develop a robust immunity after taking our treatment which is strong enough to keep them healthy even in adverse conditions but we always recommend cultivating healthy habits.
Allergens or triggers in the air cannot be avoided at all times but limiting their exposure intelligently can help the patient in avoiding an attack. Let’s have a quick look at factors that one should keep in mind when seeking to treat allergic rhinitis:
Vitamin C supplementation can act as a natural anti-histamine and antioxidant. It can help to reduce mild symptoms of AR. In our clinical observation Citrus fruits with high vitamin C tend to increase coryza and cause throat allergies in many patients but vitamin C tablets do not cause such aggravations. See what benefits you.
Honey can help allergic rhinitis patients by boosting immunity. Care should be taken not to give honey to children below 2 years of age. Honey has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. It strengthens the immune system and helps to protect against infections, cold and flu and thereby reduces frequency of AR and asthma flare-ups. It contains alcohol and ethereal oil which break up mucus in throat and promote expectoration of cough. It contains traces of iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, gold, etc which strengthen the immune system and helps fight against infections. The darker varieties have more anti-oxidant properties.
Honey can be used with a variety of other natural products like- milk, turmeric, ginger, cloves, gooseberries, basil leaves, onion juice or cinnamon( ceylon variety )for benefit in allergic patients. All these boost the immune system and offer health benefit in Allergic rhinitis & asthma. For one kilogram of honey the honey bee has to collect nectar from thousands of flowers and when a person takes that honey he/she gets exposed to those many varieties of pollen grains which in turn trigger anti-body formation and natural immune boosting in the system of that individual. We recommend honey mixed with other immune boosting herbs to our patients for natural immune boosting, especially Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum).
All the above mentioned details help the patient in combination with our immune boosting in ensuring a fast recovery from allergic rhinitis.
All of us from Dr. Saggu’s AR CLINIC wish you a fast and speedy recovery from your ailments.
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